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Alcohol Addiction

A couple is going through alcohol addiction recovery together.

How to Support A Recovering Spouse with Alcohol Dependence Issues

By | Loved Ones, Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Addiction

Supporting a spouse or partner through the journey of addiction recovery is a challenging yet crucial aspect of their healing process. As partners, understanding and empathy are essential in navigating the complexities that come with recovery from alcohol use disorder. This support benefits the individual in recovery and strengthens the…

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A man suffers from alcohol dependence.

What is the Criteria for Alcohol Dependence?

By | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol dependence, a condition affecting millions worldwide, is a complex and multifaceted disorder that can profoundly impact an individual’s life. Understanding the intricacies of this condition is crucial for those affected by it, their loved ones, and the healthcare professionals who provide treatment. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light…

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woman using black VR headset beside computer

Virtual Reality Therapy in Addiction Treatment

By | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Alcohol Addiction | No Comments

At Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres, we incorporate the most advanced, evidence-based technology available in our residential treatment programs for alcohol addiction treatment. Alongside methods such as dialectical behavioural therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy, we offer virtual reality therapy (Cue-Exposure) using virtual reality hardware. This evidence-based treatment method has become increasingly…

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