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Cue-Exposure Therapy with Virtual Reality (VR)

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Please note that this therapy is not offered due to COVID-19.

Cue-Exposure Therapy using Virtual Reality (VR)

Leveraging the latest technology and clinical research, Cue-Exposure Therapy using Virtual Reality (VR) hardware helps with sobriety maintenance, relapse prevention skills and ability to cope with cravings.

The use of Cue-Exposure Therapy (VR) in behavioural science research has been gaining acceptance for use in addiction research, treatment of mental health disorders and substance abuse studies.

At Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres we provide a multi-disciplinary, integrated treatment approach that ensures our clients receive the most effective evidence-based interventions combined with holistic and experiential therapies to support full recovery.

Announcing the latest addition to our clinical residential programming, Cue-Exposure (VR) Therapy program.

Our accredited therapists utilize VR equipment during sessions to enable clients to practice relapse prevention, distress tolerance, and coping skills to manage cravings and anxiety. In Cue-Exposure (VR) therapy, the client is exposed to triggering scenarios designed specifically for the individual (i.e. being at a social gathering with alcohol or being at a restaurant).

The VR equipment allows our therapists to release scents, such as liquor and smoke, to create a highly realistic relapse situation, but in the safety of a therapy session.

This equipment also permits the therapist to design social interactions that can assist in exposure to social anxiety.

A person using VR therapy

Immersing the client into enticing and difficult situations

It is challenging for clients to simply imagine what it may feel like to be tempted while in the safety of a residential treatment centre.

During abstinence from alcohol, cravings can be triggered by a scent, an environment, social pressure and/or any context previously associated with alcohol. This can cause a client to relapse.

To help prevent relapse, Cue-Exposure (VR) places the client in an environment that induces cravings while facilitating learning and cognitive reinforcement of new behaviour.

A woman is experience VR addiction rehab at Trafalgar.

VR Helps to Recognize Addiction Triggers

Cue-Exposure (VR) therapy allows the client to take control of their drug or alcohol addiction and practice their coping skills in a controlled environment while gaining more insight into what environments and triggers will present a challenge upon graduation and return home.

Ultimately, Cue-Exposure (VR) therapy helps recognize your triggers and establishes new coping skills to support long-term recovery.

You can experience this technology in our inpatient treatment programs.(not available due to COVID-19)

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Therapy Components

Virtual, Residential and Outpatient Options

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