Sex Addiction Treatment Methods
Sexual behavioural disorder treatment is possible, and it starts with your commitment to
The sympathetic, sex addiction therapists and health professionals at our
residential treatment centres, outpatient clinic and online rehab
program understand the tumultuous emotional journey your addiction has taken you through, and
complicated effect this can have on your personal life.
Roots Behind Addictions
Individuals with sex addiction may have different concurrent mental disorders (i.e, anxiety disorders,
bipolar disorder) or a history of drug abuse.
You may be using sexual activities as an escape from mental or emotional distress. Thus our treatment program
will treat all of your diagnoses and not just your compulsion towards sexual behaviours.
We want to help you understand and conquer your addictive sexual tendencies by providing you with an
individualized behavioural addiction treatment based on your personal needs.
Professional treatment for sexual dependency includes many therapeutic approaches and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of
Our one-on-one therapy sessions and “Sex and Love Support Group” help you cope with obsessive sexual
By providing mental health treatment and sex addiction recovery options for you and your loved ones, we
that you are given the best possible chance of achieving sustained recovery and avoiding any negative
consequences in the future.
Treating Sexual Addiction All Across Canada
If you’re looking for a professional sex addiction treatment centre or someone who can provide insight into
the topic of your concern then you have different options.
Our treatment center employs Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists (CSAT Candidate) who specialize in the treatment of
sexual-based addictions.
Our CSAT team will help you develop an understanding of how and why sexual addiction begins, and help you
create a healthy relationship with sex and love without compulsivity or further negative life consequences.
While some compulsive sexual behaviours are rooted in trauma and/or neglect, this may not be your case. Your
CSAT will complete testing and assessments to gain an in-depth understanding of your history, your use, and
collaborate with your own definition of healthy sexuality to help you create a healthy relationship with sex
and love.