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About Us

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We provide addiction treatment and rehab:
– in either residential settings that are serene and homelike or
– through our virtual intensive outpatient program, which was previously offered in person in midtown Toronto. Our online addiction treatment program is offered through a secure, virtual platform.

Each of our treatment programs adhere to our guiding principles providing a comprehensive treatment protocol. Core to all programming at Trafalgar is our focus on treating the underlying mental health issues fuelling the addiction.

CARF Gold Badge of Trafalgar.

Our Team

Our team of accredited professionals have many years of clinical and research experience, culminating in offering the very best in treatment.

We have a highly trained and experienced team of professionals ready to provide customized therapeutic addiction treatment for the abuse of substances or processes. This includes alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, methamphetamines, heroin, and process addictions such as gambling and sex addiction. We also focus on addressing concurrent mental health disorders that may be connected to your addiction, including Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

We Are Committed to Uniqueness 🏳️‍🌈

We adhere to the idea of diversity and, we strongly believe in serving all people regardless of their sex, identity, religion, culture, nationality or gender expression. We celebrate uniqueness and strive to provide the best environment for every stakeholder of our company.

Trafalgar Logo.

Rehab Programs in Canada

At Trafalgar Residence Rehab Centre, we offer the most comprehensive and effective addiction and mental health programs in Canada. All programs are personalized to best equip clients with the skills they need to understand and overcome their addiction.

If you do not want to stay in a residential facility, we offer a comprehensive treatment program through our Virtual Outpatient Counselling Program, accessible from anywhere in Canada. It is a structured and intensive online addiction counselling program in the comfort of your home.

Our Programs

We operate one addiction treatment centre and a secure virtual platform.

Each of our programs offers its own distinct approach to addiction treatment and pricing in order to facilitate different levels of treatment intensity. Yet all our programs adhere to our guiding principle of providing a holistic, client-centred treatment protocol. Upon determining your needs we will help you choose the most suitable treatment program.

The cover picture of the video of Trafalgar Residential Rehab.


Stay at our residential addiction centre for 42-days or longer if necessary. While in our care, clients will take part in individual and group therapies. Counselling is offered for family and loved ones. Our aim is to help overcome addiction and underlying mental health issues, leading to a sustainable recovery.

Trafalgar Residential Treatment in Ontario

At Trafalgar Inpatient Rehab Centre, located just outside Guelph, Ontario, we offer intensive, evidence-based treatment programs that address the psychological issues fuelling the substance or behavioural addiction. We are also well qualified to address mental health issues, such as PTSD, chronic/severe depression, trauma or anxiety.

The cover picture of the video of Trafalgar Residential Rehab.

Home-Based Treatment: Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program

Our Online Addiction Treatment Program is an innovative and affordable treatment centre for men and women seeking an alternative to residential treatment. We offer substance abuse, behavioural treatment and mental health programs that utilize the latest therapeutic techniques.

Our core online offering is our 4 or 6-week intensive program, which can be adapted to suit the client’s needs with day and everning streams. This program features a similar standard and quantity of treatment as our outpatient (previously offered in person in Toronto) and residential programs, but without removing the client from ordinary routines and commitments. As with our residential programs, the clinical staff in our virtual program are of at least master’s-level qualification, ensuring that clients receive only the highest standard of treatment.

The Most Effective Aftercare Programming in Canada

Completing a structured rehab program is only the first step on the journey to recovery. Aftercare is vitally important to recovery – it provides reinforcement, motivation, and peer support.

Clinical research shows that the ongoing and consistent measure of a client’s progress post rehab leads to significantly improved outcomes.

At Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres, we offer the most comprehensive and multifaceted aftercare programming available.

Weekly Aftercare Group Sessions, made available at all our facilities, enable participations to interact with other clients who also struggle with addiction, practice social skills and identify relapse triggers. Our Aftercare Groups enable you to have an opportunity to check in and receive constructive feedback from fellow addicts on how you are progressing.

At Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres, we believe that counselling and support should not end once a client leaves our structured care. We offer ContinUCare and Continuation of Care. These two complementary programs provide clients with counselling and support long after they leave our care.


ContinUCare is a technology based system that enables clients and their Trafalgar care team to monitor progress on the journey to recovery. It also makes it possible to identify and address areas of concern before they escalate into serious problems. It is like having your care team constantly watching out for you and there to provide help if needed.

Continuation of Care

Continuation of Care program provides clients with continued expert one on one support. Once discharged, our clients will receive calls biweekl or monthly on a scheduled basis. These interactions enable clients to discuss their transition from treatment and address the early challenges of recovery.


About Us

Virtual Outpatient and Residential Treatment Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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    A client is happy with his treatment at Trafalgar.