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A Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres Exclusive:


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Completing a structured rehab program is only the first step on the journey to recovery from addiction. You need comprehensive aftercare support for lifelong recovery.

Aftercare groups are vitally important to recovery – it provides reinforcement, motivation, and peer support. However, traditional Aftercare is limited in its ability to gauge the day-to-day progress made by clients or the challenges they face.

Clinical research shows that the ongoing and consistent measure of a client’s progress post-rehab leads to significantly improved outcomes.

This is why we created ContinUCare.

Clients receive aftercare support with ContinUcare for addiction recovery at Trafalgar in Erin, Ontario.

What is ContinUCare?

Exclusive to Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres, ContinUCare is:

  • an empirically and clinically-based system
  • supported by technology
  • designed to maintain an ongoing, individualized link between the client and their Trafalgar care team long after structured rehab treatment has been completed.

ContinUCare is an advanced, highly effective complement to traditional Aftercare, requiring little time or effort on the part of the client.

ContinUCare enables you and your Trafalgar care team to monitor progress on the journey to recovery and to identify and address potential areas of concern before they escalate into serious problems.

It is like having your care team constantly watching out for you and there to provide help if needed.

The Power of ContinUCare

Providing clients with a clear display of their progress and symptoms has been shown to reinforce motivation and engagement on their recovery journey.

Clients receive aftercare support with ContinUcare for addiction recovery at Trafalgar in Erin, Ontario.

Early Detection of Health and Well-Being Changes

The ongoing monitoring of a client allows us to detect changes in health status and intervene early if necessary.

ContinUCare enables our Trafalgar care team to identify clients who are at risk of relapse and to be proactive in providing appropriate support.

A client is in front of computer, looking at his measurements for lifelong recovery with ContinUCare in Toronto, Ontario.

Reduced Biases

Real-time measurement and monitoring allow our clinical team to obtain a more accurate picture of their clients’ well-being.

Measurement does not replace a therapist’s method for decision-making, but instead supplements and supports the traditional process with additional objective information.

With ContinUCare, you will have improved communication over your progress and treatment goals with your therapist in Rice Lake Residence, Ontario.

Improved Communication

Research shows that measurement has a positive effect on communications.

It can improve the clarity and alignment of treatment goals between you and your therapist.

Since you are in the best position to assess how you are doing, measurement and display of progress may help you identify and discuss information that is relevant to your recovery progress.

How ContinUCare Works

ContinUCare is offered:

1) Therapists Select Assessments

Therapists select the appropriate assessments for each of their clients. Measurement involves the completion of the assessments throughout the recovery process.

  • Medically validated assessments are designed to address a range of clinical areas, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress.
  • All assessments are between 4 and 20 questions.
  • Some assessments are meant to be completed more frequently than others.
  • Clients may be asked to complete an assessment once every 1, 2, 4, or 8 weeks.

2) Client Completes Assessments

Assessments are delivered to the client by email or text message based on the appropriate administrative schedule for each assessment.

For simplicity, clients do not need to download an app or log in. Assessments can typically be completed in less than two minutes, from anywhere on any type of device.

3) View Results

As soon as an assessment is completed by the client, the results are visible to both the client and the Trafalgar care team in a secure, user-friendly display. Only the client and the care team can view the assessment results.

The results display is intended to report on progress, provide objective feedback, and identify areas of concern.

Assessment results immediately alert the care team to a client’s serious health or well-being issues and enable them to take appropriate action.

For example: An assessment identifies a heightened level of depression. The problem is made visible to the client, and the therapists can reach out and begin to help.

Another example: After several months of engagement with ContinUCare, the client suddenly stops participating. Non-participation could be a concern and cause for therapist interaction.

Related Reading:

We also offer another aftercare support program to our clients. Read about Continuation of Care.

Self Discharge / Early Discharge

Please note that in case of self discharge & early discharge due to violation of code of conduct, you are not allowed to receive Aftercare, Continuation of Care and Transition Therapy.

Meet Our Renowned Experts

You will receive addiction and mental health treatment from the very best.
We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

See Our Team

Different Treatment Options

We offer addiction and concurrent disorders treatment programs through:


Our Treatment Programs


Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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