You will receive frequent and comprehensive individual therapy
While in treatment at Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centre, you can expect to receive frequent and comprehensive individual therapy with our accredited therapists.
Individual therapy is a way to help you:
- work through your problems
- develop effective strategies to confront difficult situations
- achieve recovery goals
Individual therapy sessions are offered in our Residential rehab and Virtual Outpatient Treatment programs.
You will receive weekly individual therapy sessions.
What makes our addiction programming unique and unparalleled is the fact that these individual sessions are administered by Master’s level, registered therapists.
When choosing a rehab, this is an important factor to consider because there is a difference between a Therapist and Addiction Counsellor.
The Difference 💡
What distinguishes their roles is the difference in education, training, experience and professional accountability.
A therapist enables you to tackle deep trauma and unresolved issues that fuel your addiction.
A counsellor helps you handle emotional distress during your recovery process with healthy habits on a daily/weekly basis.