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Online Rehab in Yukon

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Virtual Addiction Treatment >> Virtual Rehab in Yukon

Virtual Outpatient Program in Yukon Territory

Home to the largest ice fields, vast wildlife, and the highest mountains in Canada, the Yukon is a place like no other. The sun never sets in the summer and, in the winter, you can see the Northern lights. Geographically sitting in the northwestern corner of the country, the territory is the most sparsely populated of all the provinces.

However, being so far away doesn’t mean drug and alcohol addiction doesn’t still plague Whitehorse, the province’s only city. In fact, studies show that on average, Yukoners abuse alcohol more and live shorter lives than other Canadians.

According to Yukon’s Mental Wellness Strategy, over 50 percent of residents that are receiving treatment for substance use also have an underlying mental health issue. That’s because people with mental illness are much likelier to experience a substance use disorder.

Virtual Addiction Treatment in Yukon Territory

Unfortunately, in Canada’s north, it’s often even harder to get help with substance use than in the other provinces. With that said, did you know that you have the option to attend virtual rehab in Yukon Territory? Our online intensive outpatient program at Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres might be exactly what you or your loved one needs.

It’s an accredited, secure, and more convenient alternative to residential treatment for those who live in Yukon Territory. That means you never have to step foot outside your own house or brave the chilly weather. You can choose between the 4- or 6-week online substance abuse programs, which will be tailored to suit your individual needs and address any underlying mental health concerns. Our registered therapists will work with you to get you started on your journey to sobriety and better mental health.

How to Know if Our Intensive Outpatient Program in Yukon is Right for You

Remote treatment for addiction and mental health is the perfect alternative for Yukon residents who may not otherwise be able to afford a costly residential program. There are often long waitlists associated with inpatient treatment in Whitehorse, with limited resources. The good news is, no matter where you live, you can receive top-notch treatment and ongoing aftercare from our virtual outpatient rehab in Yukon Territory.

Not only that but opting for online addiction treatment in Yukon Territory allows you the freedom and flexibility to keep your most important commitments. That means you’ll never have to take time away from work or make other arrangements for childcare. Online rehab is a lifesaver for many, providing incredible care when you need it the most.

Are you Ready to Regain Control of Your Life?

Thanks to our online counselling platforms in Yukon Territory, starting outpatient rehab has never been easier. Remember, no matter where you’re at right now, you can achieve wellness in mind, body, and spirit again. To find out if our virtual outpatient program is right for you, contact us today.

Different Treatment Options

We offer addiction and concurrent disorders treatment programs through:


Online Rehab Programs in Yukon

Virtual Outpatient Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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