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Why do people get addicted to drugs? It’s a question that haunts every scientist. And with a price tag of $8 billion to the healthcare system, it’s a question that needs answering. So what is the reason behind addiction? Are drug addicts morally weak or do they lack the willpower to kick…
Often, when we think of addiction, we think of substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol come with many physical symptoms, but not all addictions are so obvious. Sometimes what looks like a hobby can actually be something that is tearing our lives apart. One of these more obscure forms of addiction…
If a family member or someone you love is addicted to alcohol or drugs, you want to help them. However, most alcoholics, drug addicts and even some compulsive gamblers don’t think they need help, even if they are sick, bankrupt, or in trouble with the law. It is also not…
A recent study found that more and more people are drinking alcohol. Adult alcohol use increased from 65 to 73 percent, which is nearly an 11 percent increase. We don’t have to tell you that alcohol consumption damages your body. The hangover the morning after is evidence enough of that. But…
How much sex is too much? Some say that for a sex addict, there’s never too much. And, this is a problem. Society makes fun of sex addictions. It makes it seem like a choice based on strong libido, not compulsion and dependence. The risks that come with having a…
A video game addiction doesn’t feel like other addictions. After all, it’s just a game. It can’t be as dangerous as drugs or alcohol, right? Because of this thought process, it can be hard for people to recognize the symptoms of video game addiction. If you want to learn how…