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Complex PTSD Treatment Centres Canada

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This support is only available through CATC’s Virtual Outpatient Program (VIOP)

Addiction and trauma disorders are closely linked, as many individuals turn to alcohol or other drugs to escape the pain of traumatic experiences. Our Complex PTSD Treatment Centres Canada provide comprehensive and effective treatment programs to address the co-occurring conditions in a comprehensive manner.

A woman suffers from PTSD

PTSD Definitions and Symptoms

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an incapacitating mental health condition prompted by a traumatizing experience – either through experiencing it first hand or by witnessing it second hand.
Individuals who suffer from PTSD experience symptoms such as flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, in addition to uncontrollable, sometimes irrational thoughts about the event that took place.
After a severely traumatic event, people will often find themselves having difficulty coping with normal everyday life. However, PTSD sufferers will usually feel this for a longer period of time, to the point that it will have a severely negative effect on their lives.

PTSD Treatment

Our dedicated team of health care professionals understands that getting effective treatment for your PTSD is your top priority.

We know you need help and we’re here to provide the latest, most effective psychotherapy techniques in a state-of-the-art facility or through our secure platform, helping you come to terms with your condition through Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and other relevant therapeutic techniques.

We can help you get back on track and gain control over your symptoms, helping you move on from the traumatic event that has been plaguing you.

Our compassionate, comprehensive approach treats the whole person, and our holistic complex PTSD treatment centres in Canada let you reconnect with nature while we help you work on your issues.

In treating veterans and in other challenging cases, Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres is uniquely qualified and experienced in helping those struggling with PTSD.

Our Virtual Program That Treats C-PTSD

We provide virtual outpatient program for PTSD treatment and co-occurring addiction disorders. We have a highly trained and experienced team of professionals ready to provide customized therapeutic addiction treatment for the abuse of substances, behavioural disorders and other mental health disorders.

We take a holistic approach to help you find healthy ways to cope with past traumas and any addictions that go along with it.

Your program will include a psychiatry consultation, individual therapy and group sessions, and addiction counselling — with optional virtual aftercare. Most importantly, you’ll be surrounded by people who have the same goals as you: recovery from C-PTSD.

We provide a personalized treatment virtually through a secure, online platform for those unable to attend any residential complex PTSD treatment centres in Canada.​

Our virtual programs are tailored to your schedule & needs and enable you to receive treatment from the comfort of your home.

This option is flexible, convenient, and more affordable than traditional residential treatment options.

You’ll work with our caring and compassionate licensed Master’s level therapists and addiction counsellors over the course of four to six weeks.

You’ll receive an individualized, step-by-step plan made just for you, including help with any underlying addictions or concurrent disorders. Best of all, you can complete the program without ever having to be away from family or be excused from work.

Introduction to Complex PTSD

You’ve likely already heard of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), but have you heard of Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD)? Whereas PTSD is a debilitating mental health condition that’s been brought on by a single traumatic event, a person who experiences repeated traumatic events may develop C-PTSD.

Approximately 1 in 3 people will develop PTSD after experiencing severe trauma, such as a car accident or an assault. However, when a person experiences repeated traumatic events that often last months or years, this can cause Complex PTSD. While the two conditions are closely related, C-PTSD is becoming more recognized by doctors nowadays.

What Are the Symptoms

Many of the symptoms of Complex PTSD are closely related to that of PTSD. An individual with PTSD may experience:

  • Flashbacks and reliving the trauma
  • Nightmares
  • Severe anxiety
  • Constantly being on alert or jittery
  • Irrational thoughts about the traumatic event

Despite these common symptoms, the remainder of the Complex PTSD symptoms are quite distinct.

If you’re suffering from C-PTSD, you might have angry outbursts or experience ongoing depression, disassociate from your emotions, neglect your social life, and find it hard to maintain relationships. You may even develop a sense of hopelessness about the world or lose faith and change your belief system altogether.

It’s important to remember that Complex PTSD symptoms are different from everyone and can manifest themselves in different ways. There is no cut-and-dry checklist to tell you if you have C-PTSD.

Yet, no matter what you or a loved one is experiencing, it may start to feel like it’s a struggle to cope with everyday life.

What Causes C-PTSD?

C-PTSD often stems from childhood, however, it can develop from repeated traumatic events at any point in life. Whether it occurs over months or years, traumatic stress directly impacts the brain, memory, and how an individual reacts to stressful situations.

Most commonly, the person suffering from Complex PTSD will have a history of ongoing childhood neglect or severe emotional, physical, and sexual abuse over time. Sadly, this commonly occurs from abuse of a relative or guardian — someone who is supposed to love and care for you the most.

Other long-term events that could trigger the onset of C-PTSD include surviving human trafficking, slavery, or being exposed to traumatic events while living in a country at war.

It’s still unclear why some people develop C-PTSD and others don’t. It seems that people who have a history of underlying mental health issues and those who already have a poor response to stress are more susceptible to developing it.


Since C-PTSD is relatively new in the medical community, receiving a diagnosis can be somewhat difficult. You may need to meet with multiple doctors first, which can be frustrating, but completely normal.

Don’t stop looking until you find someone you feel comfortable with and that you can trust with this delicate matter.

To start, it’s a good idea to keep a detailed log of your symptoms to present to your doctor. They’ll begin by asking you questions about your symptoms, the traumatic events, and any possible risk factors, such as a family history of mental illness.

If your doctor recognizes your symptoms have been going on for a month or more, you’ll likely receive a PTSD diagnosis at first. A Complex PTSD diagnosis is more likely after a medical professional has been monitoring you for some time.

Be sure to let them know if you’ve been having trouble controlling your emotions, explosive outbursts or ongoing sadness, and struggling to keep healthy relationships.

Different Treatment Options

We offer Complex PTSD Treatment in Canada through:

Complex PTSD vs ADHD

When speaking to your doctor, keep in mind that Complex PTSD can present some of the same symptoms of ADHD. Those who are suffering from C-PTSD may experience similarities to someone who has ADHD, such as:

  • Inability to concentrate
  • Hyperactivity and outbursts
  • Social and relationship difficulties
  • Impulsive behaviors

While the two conditions are extremely different, the similarities can complicate things when receiving a diagnosis. If you’re diagnosed with ADHD but feel strongly that your symptoms are stemming from Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, don’t be afraid to get a second or third opinion.

C-PTSD and Its Relationship With Addictions – Sometimes They Are Concurrent

Have you been relying heavily on alcohol or drugs to help you cope with life? Complex PTSD and substance abuse go hand-in-hand.

When you experience Complex PTSD triggers, such as reliving the traumatic events or having difficulty sleeping, it’s natural to want to numb your feelings with alcohol or drugs to forget about your feelings.

The same can be said for Complex PTSD and behavioural addictions, such as gambling, shopping, or sex addiction. Since addiction and C-PTSD are concurrent, they will continue to exacerbate your symptoms if left untreated.

What to Do if Your Loved One is Diagnosed With C-PTSD?

It’s important to recognize that having C-PTSD can be incredibly isolating. If your loved one has been diagnosed with the condition, they’ll need your support more than ever. Encouraging them to seek treatment — and continue with it in the long-term — is an important part in their journey to feeling good again.

Having empathy and patience with your loved one is vital, especially during an outburst or when they experience Complex PTSD triggers.

You can play a major part in their recovery by being non-judgemental when they get moody or reactive and simply acknowledging that you understand why they’re upset.

Treatment and Therapy Modalities for Complex PTSD

There are several therapy modalities available for Complex PTSD treatment. If you’re diagnosed with C-PTSD, treatment may include Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), counselling, medication to manage symptoms, or a combination.

The main goal of therapy will be to help you learn more about how your trauma affects you and learning new coping skills to manage Complex PTSD triggers. People who seek treatment see a much higher recovery rate than someone who tries to manage it on their own.

trafalgar addiction treatment centres

Trauma and Addiction Virtual Aftercare

As part of our trauma and addiction treatment programs, we offer optional virtual aftercare services to make sure that upon graduation of the client any kind of relapse will be prevented.

Some may think that if they have made it through a PTSD treatment program then their problems are over. Completing a treatment program is a great accomplishment but it is only the beginning of the recovery journey. Aftercare is especially important during the first few years of recovery.

Learn More About Our Virtual Treatment Programs for C-PTSD

If you’ve turned to alcohol, drugs, or other behavioral addictions to help you cope with the stress of everyday living after experiencing ongoing trauma, then it’s important to seek professional help before the problem spirals out of control.

Whether completed virtually or in-person, our in-depth Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder rehab centres can help you regain control of your life. To learn more, give us a call at 1-855-972-9760 today or fill out the form at the bottom of our website to request a call from one of our professionals.

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You will receive treatment from the very best.
We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

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Complex PTSD Treatment Program

Virtual Outpatient Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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