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Sex Addiction Treatment

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

Photo of Amber Stephenson.
By Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres
Clinically Reviewed by Amber Stephenson, MSW, RSW, CSAT
Updated on October 22, 2024

Understanding and treating sex addiction can improve your life.

Sex addiction is a highly personal and complicated addiction that is based in a world of fantasy.

For some people, sex addiction can become a destructive and uncontrollable disorder that needs immediate treatment. Even diagnosis of being addicted to sex can be challenging due to the complexity of the disorder.

Rest assured that the sexual compulsive behaviour can be effectively treated:

  • Virtual Sexual Addictions Treatment Program all across Canada, or…
  • at one of our rehab centres in Toronto and Ontario.

Virtual (At Home) Treatment Plan for
Sex Addiction

We offer 4-week virtual intensive outpatient program:

Online and At Your Own Pace
A Virtual Circle of Care Team Supporting Your Recovery
12 Individual Therapy Sessions
Specialized Group Therapy
3 Family Communication
4 Partner Support Therapy
Accountability / Mentor Support
Discharge Planning
Continuation of Care

A New Alternative to Residential Treatment.
And yes, it works.

Call For Price

Learn More About Our Remote Treatment Program

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Sex Addiction Symptoms

> Go to: Sex Addiction Treatment Methods

The signs of sex addiction may be hard to see because people’s perception of it can range from harmless infatuation with one or more partners, spouses, colleagues to excessive porn consumption on the Internet.

People with sex addiction need to understand the differences between a natural desire and hypersexual urges.

A normal sexual impulse is one of the most natural things in human beings, but excessive sex drive can become an addiction.

The difference between these two terms could not be more clear: while a person has their “normal” amount or desires for sex to release stress and feel good emotionally; someone who has an unhealthy dependence on it will do anything at all – even harm themselves – to get that fix.

While sexual impulses are a natural, healthy part of life for some people to enjoy and express themselves in whatever way they see fit – sex addiction refers only to those behaviours done beyond what is considered acceptable.

A person who is struggling with hypersexual disorder may find themselves constantly thinking about it. These obsessive thoughts or sexual fantasies can become a huge problem if they interfere with other responsibilities, such as school, work or family time!

The symptoms of the addiction include an unusual pattern of rampant sexual behaviour that leads to immense complications in one’s life.

This is an all-encompassing addiction that requires a comprehensive treatment process in order to help take hold of one’s desires.

The seemingly unstoppable nature of the sexual acts becomes problematic and interferes with one’s life, leaving the afflicted avoiding realistic social or personal relationships.

The sexual urges and behaviours foster unhealthy infatuations and problematic encounters that can put the addicted person, or others, at risk.

Sexual addiction could lead someone down a path that is inappropriate or unacceptable. This includes:

  • exhibitionism or public display of nudity
  • an unstoppable urge to perform sexual acts in public (public sex)
  • excessive masturbation when alone or attempting to masturbate in public places (i.e work, school or even parks).
  • always looking for different sexual partners, or a desire to have sex with more than one partner at the same time (group sex).
  • having unprotected intercourse with strangers or sex workers (often accompanied by the development of sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

Sexual Addictions and Mental Health Disorders

It’s important to recognize the link between hypersexual disorder and other mental health issues.

Sex addiction, like many other types of addictions and disorders, is often comorbid. The most common co-occurrent conditions include Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), anxiety, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Behavioural abuse such as gambling or compulsive shopping may also be present in someone who has developed an unhealthy relationship with sex; this can make the latter even more severe than it would otherwise have been without these other urges involved.

It should also be noted that past trauma like sexual abuse could trigger certain behaviours which lead towards excessive sexual intimacy for therapeutic purposes — this might account for why some people resort to using various activities related primarily to eroticism (like looking for one night stands on social media or apps, watching pornography or masturbating) when feeling down about themselves emotionally or psychologically.

Sex Addiction Treatment Methods

Sexual behavioural disorder treatment is possible, and it starts with your commitment to treatment.

The sympathetic, sex addiction therapists and health professionals at our residential treatment centres, outpatient clinic and online rehab program understand the tumultuous emotional journey your addiction has taken you through, and the complicated effect this can have on your personal life.

Roots Behind Addictions

Individuals with sex addiction may have different concurrent mental disorders (i.e, anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder) or a history of drug abuse.

You may be using sexual activities as an escape from mental or emotional distress. Thus our treatment program will treat all of your diagnoses and not just your compulsion towards sexual behaviours.

We want to help you understand and conquer your addictive sexual tendencies by providing you with an individualized behavioural addiction treatment based on your personal needs.

Professional treatment for sexual dependency includes many therapeutic approaches and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is one of them.

Our one-on-one therapy sessions and “Sex and Love Support Group” help you cope with obsessive sexual thoughts.

By providing mental health treatment and sex addiction recovery options for you and your loved ones, we ensure that you are given the best possible chance of achieving sustained recovery and avoiding any negative consequences in the future.

Treating Sexual Addiction All Across Canada

If you’re looking for a professional sex addiction treatment centre or someone who can provide insight into the topic of your concern then you have different options.

Our treatment center employs Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists (CSAT Candidate) who specialize in the treatment of sexual-based addictions.

Our CSAT team will help you develop an understanding of how and why sexual addiction begins, and help you create a healthy relationship with sex and love without compulsivity or further negative life consequences.

While some compulsive sexual behaviours are rooted in trauma and/or neglect, this may not be your case. Your CSAT will complete testing and assessments to gain an in-depth understanding of your history, your use, and collaborate with your own definition of healthy sexuality to help you create a healthy relationship with sex and love.

We Offer Sex and Love Addiction Recovery Group

We know that addiction is a wide term for a variety of behaviours including substance use or not. In our Sex and Love Addiction stream, we target those compulsive behaviours that may or may not be linked to substance use.

Sex and Love Addiction itself is a general term that includes many different behaviours that have become repetitive and have caused you negative consequences.

These behaviours may include but are not limited to:

  • Overusing pornography or compulsive masturbation
  • Having chronic affairs or anonymous sex
  • An inability to not be in a relationship, or chronically unstable relationships
  • Exhibitionism or voyeurism
  • Other dangerous sexual practices that you’d like to change

Consequences you may have had to, or are, dealing with may include:

  • Loss of relationships (partner, family, etc).
  • Severe marital or partner relationship issues
  • Loss of career or career opportunities
  • Unwanted pregnancies, abortions, or exposure of or risk of sexually transmitted infections or other health complications
  • Suicidal thoughts or attempts

Sometimes these behaviours are linked with substance use, for example, using cannabis and pornography or cocaine and seeking escorts, but sometimes they act alone.

Behavioural addictions also include problem gambling, compulsive shopping, or compulsive working (being a “workaholic”). Compulsive or addictive behaviours can be extremely painful, and, are treatable.

Our Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists will complete assessments that help you understand your behaviours and learn more about yourself:

  • Do you find you are often preoccupied with thoughts of sex and relationships or sexual fantasies?
  • Do you feel bad, guilty, or shameful about your sexual or relationship behaviours?
  • Have your sexual or relationship behaviours caused problems with your family, career, or otherwise?
  • Have you found yourself trying to stop certain sexual or relationship behaviours and not being able to?
  • Do these behaviours continue despite the risk of others finding out or other negative consequences?
  • Do you stay in relationships even when they are no longer good for you?
  • Do you believe that your life will get better if you just ‘find the right person?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, give our team a call to see if our program can help you get started on the road back to the healthy and fulfilling life you deserve.

Inpatient Sex Addiction Treatment

We operate a residential facility, located just outside Guelph, Ontario, to provide intensive, evidence-based inpatient sex addiction treatment.

You may stay at our residential centre for 30, 45, 60, or 90 days, or longer if necessary.

We treat you as a whole person. It means we are well qualified to address concurrent mental health issues, such as PTSD, chronic/severe depression, trauma or anxiety and other psychiatric disorders that may fuel your behavioural disorder.

While in our care, you will take part in individual therapy and group therapy to be equipped with necessary tools for understanding and treating sex addiction.

Extra counselling will also be offered for your family members and your partner.

We aim to provide you with sexual addiction treatment at highest standards, leading to a sustainable and smart recovery.

Internet Sex Addiction Treatment

If you would like to have treatment for this addiction in the comfort and privacy of your home, Virtual Sex Addiction Rehab has got you covered. You can get the same intensive outpatient program through an online, secure platform all across Canada.

🇨🇦 We offer online addiction treatment and mental health programs to the residents of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories.

Our mental health professionals and clinical therapists are well-equipped to treat your addictive behaviours to sexual activity not only in Ontario but also in British Columbia, Alberta and the rest of Canada.

Outpatient Sex Addiction Treatment

Our outpatient addiction counselling centre, located in Toronto, can help you if you are unable to attend residential treatment.

Our 4-week or 6-week Intensive Outpatient Program allows you to receive treatment for unstoppable sexual urges similar to what you would receive in our residential treatment facility.

Outpatient Addiction Counselling allows you the opportunity to continue working and go home at night.

trafalgar addiction treatment centre

Aftercare For Sex Addiction

Some may think that if they have made it through a sexual addiction rehab program then their problems are over. But this is rarely the case.

Completing a sex addiction treatment program is a great accomplishment but it is only the beginning of the long-term recovery journey.

As part of Trafalgar’s sex addiction treatment program, we also offer aftercare services to make sure that upon your graduation, any kind of relapse or unwanted sexual behaviour will be prevented through our Aftercare, ContinUCare and Continuation of Care.

Our internet sexual addiction aftercare programs are offered virtually to help you establish healthy relationships with your loved ones, colleagues and friends.

Aftercare is especially important during the first few years of recovery so you can learn to manage your sexual behaviour.

Aftercare for Compulsive Sexual Behaviors

Aftercare participation is a chance to interact with other clients who also struggle with compulsive sexual behaviours, practice social skills and identify relapse triggers.

Our Aftercare Groups enable you to have an opportunity to check in and receive constructive feedback from fellow sex addicts on how you are progressing.


ContinUCare enables you and your Trafalgar care team to monitor progress on the journey to recovery. This helps you identify and address areas of concern before they escalate into serious problems in your daily life. It is like having your care team constantly watching out for you and there to provide help if you need it for your sexual compulsions.

Continuation of Care

You will schedule a call with the Continuation of Care Counsellor during the first week after discharge. Sexual Addiction counselling calls will continue biweekly for four months. After the 4 month period, it will be followed by monthly calls for the following 20 months. You can arrange calls to suit your schedule within regular business hours. These counselling calls will provide an excellent way of tracking progress and discussing any issues that may arise.

Meet Our Renowned Experts

You will receive treatment from the very best.
We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

See Our Team

Different Treatment Options

We offer sex addiction treatment programs through:


Treatment for Sex Addiction

Virtual and Residential Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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