By Trafalgar’s Editorial Team
This Content is Created By
Kinga Burjan, M.A., R.P.
Journaling Prompts for Anger
Thank you for joining me on your wellness journey. Today’s video will be reviewing journaling prompts for anger.
Sometimes anger might feel overwhelming, but it’s a way for our body to communicate with us. By taking time to explore and accept your anger rather than trying to ignore it or pushing it away. You can learn a lot about yourself and the situation that’s making you angry.
The following prompts are prompts to help you reflect on what’s going on inside your thoughts, your feelings, even behaviors when you’re angry.
So this is a space to reflect on how anger impacts you, so you don’t have to answer all the questions, and you can also reflect and expand on any of these prompts. So let’s begin.
When I’m angry, where do I notice this anger in my body? Where does it show up? What triggered my current anger episode? What normally triggers my anger? What thoughts are connected to my anger? What do I actually think about being angry? Is that something that’s acceptable in my family? Does it make me feel out of control or in control? Does it feel like a strength or a weakness? What underlying feelings might be fueling my anger?
So in addition to being angry, am I possibly feeling disappointed or hurt? Overwhelmed? Threatened? Tired? Hungry? Insecure, helpless? Jealous? Afraid? Guilty? Or embarrassed? Has someone crossed a personal boundary that I need to address? What helps me diffuse my anger in a healthy way, such as journaling, talking with a trusted friend or going for a walk?
I hope these journal prompts help in starting your self-discovery and journey regarding getting to know your feelings and emotions and why they serve a purpose in your life. Thank you for joining me today and I hope to see you again.
Generally, when we feel anger, there are underlying emotions such as disappointment, sadness or fear. Usually, there are more than one of these primary emotions that cluster together to signal your anger.
So this second journaling video will help you explore your anger a little bit more. You can use the anger iceberg diagram to help with emotional vocabulary when you’re answering the following journaling prompt questions.
So grab your pen and paper, and let’s dive in.
- What situations trigger my anger?
- Is my anger commonly triggered at a specific time of day in a certain situation or with a specific person?
- Where do I feel the anger in my body?
- What am I thinking about when I feel this anger?
- Do I have any unmet expectations of myself or of someone else?
- Why am I feeling disappointed in myself or someone else?
- Are there any needs that aren’t being met?
- Can I communicate these needs in a healthier way?
- Is there something in my life that I feel is unjust?
- Is there somewhere in my life where I feel like someone’s crossing a boundary?
- Is there something in my life that I’m having a difficult time accepting? What would it look like if I accepted it? Do I have to accept it, what other options might I have?
- Am I afraid to have feelings of anger towards someone I love?
- Could I be jumping to conclusions about a situation or of someone else’s intentions?
- Could there be any other reasons why someone may have hurt or disappointed me rather than being intentional?
- What would it look like if I forgave that person?
- Can I be more compassionate about why I’m angry, whether it’s toward myself or someone else?
- Are there any anger management skills that could help me manage my anger, such as going for a walk? Practicing mindfulness exercises or physical exercise?