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Drug and Alcohol Withdrawal Management: Important Things to Know

By November 1, 2018 June 15th, 2023 No Comments
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Withdrawal from drugs or alcohol can be an intensely difficult process.

When the mind and body have come to depend on the effects of a substance, its removal can lead to a range of uncomfortable, painful or distressing symptoms. In some cases, withdrawal can be very dangerous, as the body struggles to cope in the absence of the substance. This means that medical supervision and support may be necessary during withdrawal.

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres offers expert withdrawal management, collaborating with healthcare providers to provide support at no extra cost to the client. It can be arranged as part of our residential or outpatient programs or as a separate service. We have established relationships with healthcare professionals who are experienced in managing withdrawal. As withdrawal is a difficult and potentially dangerous process, it is important to ensure that any treatment provider you intend to work with is accredited and experienced in managing withdrawal. If you are concerned about the withdrawal process, ask your treatment provider any questions that you have in advance.

Treatment for addiction cannot truly begin until the withdrawal process is complete. Coordinating withdrawal management with treatment is an effective way of guaranteeing a seamless transition. Making it through the withdrawal process is significant progress. It should be capitalized upon immediately by beginning treatment to maintain recovery. Successfully making it through withdrawal is only the first step in achieving lasting recovery: evidence-based addiction treatment provides a person with the skills and methods to maintain a sober, balanced life.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal is the body and mind responding to the absence of a substance or behaviour on which they have become dependent. The process usually lasts for between three days and one week. However, this can vary depending on the person and their symptoms. Early symptoms often include agitation, anxiety and difficulty focusing. They may also include muscle aches, sweating, sleeplessness, physical weakness and fatigue. After the initial phase, these symptoms often worsen. Others may also emerge, such as cramping, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Withdrawal may also trigger the symptoms of any co-occurring mental health disorders.

People will experience withdrawal differently depending on a number of factors. These include their general physical and mental health and the severity of their dependence on the substance or behaviour. However, for anyone, the withdrawal process will make it impossible to function ordinarily and attend to commitments. In some cases, withdrawal symptoms will be so severe that a person cannot function at all. Withdrawal symptoms may also put an addicted person in severe danger. Professionally managed withdrawal can prevent the process becoming dangerous.

Withdrawal Management

Professional withdrawal management involves 24-hour supervision and medical support for the duration of the withdrawal process. This ensures that symptoms do not become dangerous and that the person going through withdrawal is as comfortable as possible while symptoms last. This may involve prescribing medications for certain symptoms. Medications prescribed will vary depending on a person’s history with substances, the substances currently in their system and any concurrent disorders they may have. Treatment providers will also alter withdrawal management in accordance with any previous history of withdrawal, seizures or delirium tremens.

Once a person is through withdrawal, they can immediately transition into proactive, evidence-based treatment. This makes relapse shortly after withdrawal much less likely and allows the person to recover from withdrawal in a safe and supportive environment. A collaborative approach between treatment provider and medical withdrawal support also allows for the exchange of any information that might be relevant to a person’s recovery.

Professional Withdrawal Management

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres provides professional withdrawal management, ensuring that clients get through the difficult withdrawal process in a safe and supportive environment before beginning treatment.

If you have any questions about the withdrawal process or professional withdrawal management, contact Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres today.

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

We offer residential and outpatient rehab treatment programs for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

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