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Things to Consider When Choosing an Addiction Treatment Centre

By July 20, 2018 June 15th, 2023 No Comments
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Addiction treatment is a deeply complex process. Once you have decided that you or someone close to you is in need of professional treatment, it is essential that you choose an appropriate organization to provide it.

There are of course practical considerations that factor into the decision, such as cost, location and insurance coverage. But what are some of the other aspects that mushands making heart signt be taken into account? Here, we will take you through some of the crucial factors in choosing a treatment centre which may not initially occur to you. We hope that this will help you make an informed decision over whether an organization is suitable to take on the significant responsibility of treating addiction and helping you or your loved one towards recovery.

Accreditation of Rehab Center

One of the strongest indicators of the standard of treatment on offer is the accreditation of the organization. The addiction treatment field remains relatively unregulated. This can make it difficult to ensure that the quality of care on offer is of a sufficient standard. The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, or CARF, is one of the most authoritative, unbiased assessors of rehabilitation services. It is a recognized international authority, and treatment organizations must undergo an extremely comprehensive process to receive its approval. Trafalgar received its CARF accreditation in January 2018.

CARF Accredited Rehab Centers

CARF accreditation is recognized in the field as a mark of guaranteed quality. It requires an exceptional standard of treatment in terms of program quality, range of services, staff qualifications and professionalism. CARF and Trafalgar also share a commitment to continuous development through research and consultation. Many organizations claim to offer a high standard of treatment. External accreditation can be an excellent way of verifying whether this is in fact the case.

Staff and Addiction Treatment Methods

The qualifications of staff and methods of treatment are crucial factors in assessing the quality of a treatment provider. Many organizations use well-intentioned but under-qualified staff and speculative treatment methods. Trafalgar’s clients work with Master’s level therapists and highly skilled, experienced counsellors in order to achieve recovery. Therapists and counsellors collaborate throughout the treatment process to ensure it is as effective as possible. Therapists administer treatment programming, provide individual therapy, and organize group sessions for specific issues. Addiction counsellors serve as mentors to those in treatment, lead group sessions, and provide clients with various forms of support. The quality and experience of the staff ensures that clients receive the highest level of evidence-based, client-centred treatment.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Some addiction treatment programs are primarily use methods that are speculative in nature, with little or no clinical research or evidence to demonstrate their efficacy. While some of these methods may prove effective for some clients, using methods that have been proven to be effective and can be effectively adapted to suit the needs of a particular person maximizes the chance of recovery. Addiction is a deeply complex issue to confront. The psychological and physical demands on a person working towards recovery are very intense. They must be managed by experienced, qualified professionals.

Staff During Addiction Treatment

As well as the qualifications of the staff, it’s also important to consider the staff-to-client ratio. The higher the number of staff per client, the more support the client will receive. Staff will be able to focus their attentions on each individual client. Addiction treatment requires professionals to get to know and understand the client, the underlying causes of their addiction and the methods of treatment that suit them best.

At Trafalgar’s treatment centres, the average staff-to-client ratio is two staff members to one client. The average number of clients to clinical staff members is two clients to one staff member. This balance allows our staff to provide the most effective treatment possible for our clients. It facilitates crucial aspects of our treatment, such as the three weekly individual sessions with a therapist each client receives.

Duration of Addiction Treatment Programs

The amount of individual treatment that a client will receive is vastly important. Many treatment centres operate primarily through group sessions run by counsellors. This is a reliably effective method, allowing people struggling with addiction to discuss their relationship with a substance or behaviour, its triggers, consequences and underlying influences in a safe environment with counsellors at hand. However, books on the shelfindividual therapy is an important complement to this. As mentioned above, Trafalgar guarantees its clients three weekly sessions of one-to-one therapy with a highly qualified therapist.

Forms of Addiction Treatment

It is also worth considering the range of treatment options that are available. Different forms of treatment suit different people. The first thing to consider is whether residential or outpatient treatment, or a combination of both, will be most effective and practical. For people who are seeking to continue working professionally or in the home while undergoing treatment, outpatient can be an excellent option. Outpatient services allows the client some flexibility to receive treatment without disrupting other aspects of their lives.

Settings of Addiction Treatment Centres

The setting of a treatment centre can influence a person’s experience there, and on their chances of recovery. For some clients, a secluded, peaceful setting might be ideal to allow them to feel fully separate from any problems and complications in everyday life. For others, a less secluded environment might be easier to transition into and out of and may make them feel less separate from the wider world. Trafalgar offers outpatient treatment in its Port Hope facility, and residential treatment in the scenic centres at Rice Lake and Erin.

It is also worth finding an organization that specializes in treating the specific addiction in question. A treatment centre with staff qualified and experience in treating the specific addiction will maximize the client’s chances of recovery. While there are commonalities between different forms of addiction, the more focused the treatment is, the better. Trafalgar offers a wide range of specialized addiction treatments.

Guarantees in Addiction Treatment

One strong indicator to look out for when researching a treatment organization is whether they offer a “guarantee.” If they do, make sure to clarify what exactly it is that is being guaranteed. Unfortunately, no treatment provider can guarantee recovery. It is a lifelong process that requires total commitment from the person in question, and highly qualified, dedicated support from professional staff. This means that a guarantee of recovery is often a sign that an organization may not be suitable for the responsibility of treating you or a loved one’s addiction.

If an organization quotes its success rates, be sure to understand exactly how success is being defined. Does it refer to the successful completion of treatment, or sobriety for a particular period of time? If so, how long a period? If the answers to these questions seem vague or misleading, this suggests that the organization in question may not be up to the responsibility of treating people struggling with addiction. It is certainly worth contacting an organization to clarify any guarantees or success rates they state.

While recovery cannot be guaranteed, Trafalgar can promise the total dedication of our highly qualified staff in providing expert support during and after treatment. The organization can promise to provide a strong foundation for recovery through evidence-based treatment. Realistic, attainable objectives are set, so that a client can work with our staff to assess their progress. Trafalgar also guarantees excellent aftercare and readmission to treatment should a client encounter problems with their recovery or relapse.

Aftercare in Addiction Treatment

Another important aspect to consider when choosing a treatment centre is the aftercare it will provide. This is an issue that might be overlooked when conducting initial research, but as recovery is a lifelong process and will therefore continue long after initial treatment, it is essential to be sure that the organization you choose will provide support beyond the initial stay. People who commit to aftercare are far more likely to avoid relapse. Trafalgar is committed to helping all of its clients sustain their recovery and has clinically-based systems to support its alumni.

After Addiction Treatment is Finished

Clients are always provided with a detailed discharge plan to help them readjust to ordinary life. They will work on this plan with their therapist to make the transition as smooth as possible. Aftercare groups operate at all of our centres, where clients can interact with one another, offer peer support, and work to identify relapse triggers and methods to deal with them. They support clients in sustaining their recovery. Clients are encouraged to attend aftercare meetings for as long as they feel it is necessary, and are welcome on a permanent basis. For clients unable to travel to any of Trafalgar’s centres, we will work to find alternative aftercare groups.dandelion in a field

Alongside these aftercare services, Trafalgar also provides ContinUCare. This allows a former client to remain in contact with our clinical staff, at no extra cost, for up to two years after leaving care. Our clinical team periodically send questions for the client to answer. Their answers allow the client to continue monitoring their own progress and help our clinical staff to identify any potential issues.

This system allows Trafalgar to be proactive in supportingalumni after they have left treatment. It functions as a collaboration between the organization and the client to continue working on recovery. At the end of a residential stay, a clients receive effective discharge plans to help them sustain recovery.

Length of Addiction Treatment Programs

As recovery is a gradual, methodical process that an individual must sustain over a lifetime, it is natural that a longer stay in treatment will generally be of more benefit to the client. A central aspect of treatment is learning methods to cope with relapse triggers. The longer a person has to practice and develop these methods in a safe environment, under the supervision of counsellors and therapists, the more prepared they will be to use these methods once they leave treatment.

A longer stay allows a person more time to adjust to life without the problematic substance or behaviour. While aftercare will always be available to Trafalgar clients, a longer stay in treatment can provide a more solid foundation before transitioning into aftercare. The added time also reduces some of the pressure on a person to feel that they are making immediate progress, which can be beneficial in the early stages of their treatment.

Trafalgar offers clients programs of varying length. At our East location, 45-day programs are on offer. At Trafalgar West, standard program length is 30-days, with extended stays available. Along with our outpatient centre at Port Hope, these different options allow the client and those close to them to identify the type of program that will serve them best and is most practical.

Research Before Contacting

This may seem like an awful lot to have to consider before making a decision. However, making the most informed choice of treatment centre possible will ultimately provide reassurance, and maximize the chance of recovery. Conducting thorough research and contacting an organization to ask detailed, informed questions is a crucial stage of the treatment process. A reliable organization will be able to answer your questions clearly and promptly and will be entirely forthcoming on all relevant issues. Achieving recovering is a collaborative process between a treatment provider and a client. It is essential to make sure you are entering this collaboration with the best available organization.

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

We offer residential and outpatient rehab treatment programs for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

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