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Only Offered Virtually

Gambling Addiction Treatment

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.


This support is only available through CATC’s Virtual Outpatient Program (VIOP)

When done in moderation, gambling is often seen as a socially acceptable behaviour.

However, when the impulse to gamble can’t be controlled, even if it is hurting oneself or loved ones, problem gambling may turn into compulsive gambling or gambling addiction.

Online Counselling for
Gambling Addiction

We offer Virtual Intensive Outpatiet Program:

Online and At Your Own Pace
Cost Effective & Flexible
Specialized Streams (Day & Evening)
Individual Therapy
Virtual Groups
Family Communication Sessions
Family Support Program
Discharge Planning
Alumni Program

A New Alternative to Residential Treatment.
And yes, it works.

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Learn More About Virtual Addiction Rehab program

trafalgar gambling rehab provider

Definition of Gambling Addiction

Gambling is to risk something of value for another item of value, for example, buying poker tokens in order to play to possibly win something of more substantial value.

Gambling addiction is the uncontrollable urge to continue gambling regardless of the consequences. Compulsive gambling problem has a severe negative effect on your brain as it triggers the brain’s reward system and can be compared to how a drug could make you feel.

Symptoms of Gambling Addiction

Someone with a gambling addiction may feel the need to visit casinos, bet on sports, gamble online or even buy lottery tickets.

The type or frequency of gambling may vary, but a person will typically be unable to control their behaviour.

They’ll continue gambling despite negative social, financial, or legal consequences. Symptoms of gambling addiction can vary as there are various types of gambling addiction.

At Trafalgar, our senior addiction treatment team and mental health professionals create personalized gambling addiction treatment program for each individual clients.

Based on the input from the client prior to admission we are able to develop a personalized treatment program that will tackle symptoms of your specific addiction.

trafalgar addiction treatment centre

Gambling Addiction Development

Several factors can increase the risk of compulsive gambling.

The brain appears to respond to the act of gambling in the same way the alcoholic brain responds to a drink.

This means that as the gambler feeds their habit, their addiction will grow.

While research has shown the majority of gambling addicts to be men, this type of addiction is not uncommon among women.

Below are some characteristic behaviours exhibited by compulsive gamblers:

  • Stealing money
  • Lying about the gambling habit
  • Diminishing relationships and/or friendships
  • Avoiding work or other commitments in order to gamble
  • Neglecting bills or other payments in order to use the money to gamble
  • Selling possessions in order to gamble
  • Taking bigger and bigger risks

Effects of Gambling Addictions

One of the biggest effects of long-term compulsive gambling is the accumulated debt that can be accrued.

Gambling affects many lives, and it is not uncommon for people to lose their jobs as it is often neglected and face many financial issues. Another effect includes ruining potential family relationships as the urge to gamble takes over and is uncontrollable.

Lastly, many gamblers will resort to other troubling and illegal behaviours to afford the lifestyle to gamble and/ or pay off debts that they may have incurred. Those who are unable to pay off their debts will have to face many hardships including potentially losing their house or other financial consequences.

Support for Gambling Addictions

The tips below may help you with your compulsive gambling behaviour and help you resist the urge to gamble.

1. Stay focused on your main goal of not gambling: This may be difficult so you should try to set realistic goals for yourself.

2. Don’t be in an environment that could encourage even betting once: For example, don’t go to a casino because you may be tempted to use the slot machines.

3. Allow yourself to seek treatment options: You may also ask your family members to help you find a treatment program that matches your needs.

4. Avoid triggering situations: This means you may need to avoid the gambling scene completely.

If you’ve tried all these tips but are still having difficulties quitting you have options.

Gambling Addiction Treatment Programs

With the right gambling addiction treatment, recovery is totally achievable.

Unlike someone with a food addiction, a compulsive gambler does not need the object of their addiction to survive.

They simply need to learn how to develop a healthy and balanced relationship with money to control this compulsive behaviour.

Designed for treatment of complex addictions like gambling, a comprehensive recovery program can assist pathological gamblers with impulse control.

Rest assured that we will tailor our gambling addiction treatment program to your or your loved one’s needs.

Virtual Outpatient Treatment for Gamblers

We offer evidence-based treatment programs that address the psychological issues fuelling the gambling addiction. We are also well qualified to address PTSD, chronic/severe depression, trauma or anxiety and other psychiatric disorders.

We provide Virtual Addiction Rehab Program through a secure platform that you can access in the comfort of your home, at your convenience all across Canada. Our Virtual Intensive Outpatient Program allows clients to receive gambling addiction treatment and give them the opportunity to continue working and stay home at night.

While in our care, you will take part in virtual individual and group sessions administered by a mental health professional.

Support programs will be offered for your family.

🇨🇦 We offer online gambling treatment programs to the residents of Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Nunavut and Northwest Territories.

With our unique and effective gambling addiction recovery and mental health programs, we can make sure that your road to recovery is safe, effective and tailored to your precise needs. We are dedicated to helping you overcome your struggles and avoid gambling triggers.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Gambling addiction can stem from a variety of reasons. Typically it can be because of unaddressed deeper emotional or avoidance issues.

In order to appropriately process this gambling disorder, you will need to face some of these underlying issues and change the self-destructive patterns that you are doing.

Individual counselling from a mental health professional can help you figure out the root cause of this compulsive gambling problem.

We offer Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy.

trafalgar addiction treatment centre

Gambling Addiction Aftercare

Some may think that if they have made it through a gambling addiction rehab program, then their problems are over.

Completing a gambling addiction treatment program is a great accomplishment but it is only the beginning of your recovery journey.

Aftercare is especially important during the first few years of recovery.

As part of our gambling addiction treatment programs, we offer aftercare services if you wish to receive it.


Aftercare participation is a chance to interact with other clients who also struggle with addiction, practice social skills and identify relapse triggers. Our Aftercare Groups enable you to have an opportunity to check in and receive constructive feedback from fellow addicts on how you are progressing.

Meet Our Renowned Experts

You will receive Gambling Addiction Treatment from the very best.
We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

See Our Team

Different Treatment Options

We offer gambling addiction treatment programs through:


Gambling Addiction Treatment

Virtual Outpatient Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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