By Trafalgar’s Editorial Team
This Content is Created By Kinga Burjan, M.A., R.P.
Welcome to this guided meditation to help produce calmness by focusing on your breath. First, take a moment to notice the natural flow of the inhales and exhales through your nose. Just notice, the warmth, the sensation of the air entering your nostrils as you inhale and the sensation, the coolness of the air as it leaves.
Whether it’s through your nose or through your mouth, whatever feels most comfortable for you today. As you inhale, begin to notice and feel the chest rise then fall as you exhale. And with your inhale also noticing the belly rising as you inhale. And the belly falling, relaxing as you exhale.
On your next inhale really, let yourself feel your belly rise, allowing your ribs to expand to your chest, your collar bone to lip. And as you exhale, allowing the top of the chest to relax the ribs, to fall in the belly, to relax.
So continue breathing with all three parts of your breath filling up the belly, the rib cage, the collarbone as you inhale. Allowing them to rise, and as you exhale, letting the collarbone, the ribs, the belly fall, relax.
Repeat this a few more times at your own pace. As you inhale again hold this breath a little bit longer. And then let the breath go like a wave. From the chest out, the belly.
Then inhaling holding for a moment longer and exhaling rolling the air out like a tide. And if your mind gets distracted by thoughts or sounds or sensations gently bring your focus back to your breath, staying connected with your breathing.
And this time as you exhale, exhale a little bit longer. Inhale again. Exhale. Releasing letting go a little bit more. Then one more time inhaling allowing the breath to release a tiny bit more.
And then coming back to a natural flow. Just paying attention to how your body feels now without judging. Just noticing how your breath is in your body, in this moment. Just noticing if there was any difference in how you felt when you held the breath in for a little bit longer or when you exhaled a little bit longer.
Just paying attention without judging. Taking a scan of your body, breathing into any parts that might feel tense. And on your exhale, giving your body permission to release, to relax, to let go, even if it’s just a tiny bit.
So coming back to your breath. Your inhales, your exhales. Slowly opening your eyes, reorienting yourself to the room. I’m taking one more deep inhale and exhale. Thank you for joining me in this short, guided breathing exercise.