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10 Emotional Regulation Strategies

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Resources >> 10 Emotional Regulation Strategies

10 Emotional Regulation Strategies by Kinga Burjan

What is emotional regulation?

Emotional Regulation is the ability for a person to effectively manage and respond to an emotional experience.

If you find yourself ineffectively managing or diffusing emotional situations that come up within you, the following strategies may be of help.

  • Talk or spend time with those you trust
  • Go to therapy to help you understand your emotions and learn more healthy coping skills
  • Notice if negative thoughts may be feeding your unpleasant emotions.
  • Deep breathing
  • Meditate
  • Take a break when you need one
  • Exercise
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Journal
  • Take care of yourself when you are physically ill

Avoid these unhealthy strategies

  • Abusing alcohol or other substances
  • Excessive social media or computer game use
  • Withdrawing from or avoiding difficult situations
  • Invalidating your feelings

The more you learn about your emotions and how to be with them in a healthy way, no matter how unpleasant they may be, the more tolerance you will build for them and the easier it will be to regulate your emotions

Learn to befriend your emotions!

If your emotional pain is too much to bear on your own, please reach out for help. We have listed some help numbers in this video.

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