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Sex Addiction

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Signs and Symptoms of Sex Addiction

By | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Concurrent Disorders, Psychology, Sex Addiction | No Comments

A person dealing with sex addiction may be addicted to a broad range of sexual activity. This may include sexual intercourse generally, particular forms of sexual activity or pornography. Regardless of the specific nature of the addiction, the activity will affect the brain through a similar process. There are a…

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two people hugging

Everything We Know About Sex Addiction

By | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Psychology, Sex Addiction | No Comments

Sex addiction is a complex and often misunderstood condition which must be approached through appropriate, person-specific treatment. Appropriate Treatment for Sex Addiction With any addiction, it is crucial to find the appropriate treatment. This means working with professionals qualified in the specific area. How does a therapist become a specialist…

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two hands making heart sign

Is Sex Addiction Real and How to Treat It

By | Addiction, Addiction Treatment, Concurrent Disorders, Psychology, Sex Addiction | No Comments

Sex in our society has changed dramatically over the past two decades, it has become easily accessible in any form that you can imagine. How Does Sex Addiction Occurs? Pornography has exploded from magazines, to readily available videos of any sexual act that you can fathom. Affairs and dating, you…

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