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Prescription Drugs Abuse & Addiction Treatment

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

Photo of Komal Preet.

By Trafalgar’s Editorial Team
This Article is Clinically Reviewed By Komal Preet, M.A., R.P.

Prescription drug addiction can refer to a wide range of drugs including opioids, sedatives or anti-anxiety medications and stimulants.

Prescription drug abuse is the use of prescription medication in a way not intended (or off-label) by your prescribing doctor.

It often leads to long-term addiction and dependence due to the ease of acquiring and administering the drug.

trafalgar addiction treatment centres

Prescription Drugs Treatment Programs

Our drug rehab centers offer effective treatment options for prescription drug abuse. Counselling through Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is typically a crucial part of treatment, whether it is an individual, group, or family counselling.

DBT can help determine what factors may have led to prescription drug abuse in the first place, such as an underlying mental health problem or relationship problems.

DBT can also help you learn and maintain the skills needed to resist cravings long-term, avoid abuse of drugs and help prevent recurrence of prescription drug problems after your treatment period ends at our facility.

Through DBT, you can learn strategies for developing positive relationships and identify ways to take control of your addiction and maintain long-term recovery.

Your addiction treatment will not be just DBT and various counselling. We will create your personalized addiction treatment program that will be specific to your needs and aim to treat your addiction & mental health disorders.

trafalgar addiction treatment centres

Medical Detox

Depending on the drug and usage, detoxification may be needed as part of treatment.

Withdrawal can be dangerous and, in some cases, may require medical supervision during the detox period.

We provide medical detox if required.

Different Treatment Options

We offer Prescription Drugs Abuse Treatment through:

Residential Drug Rehab in Erin, Ontario

We offer residential addiction treatment for prescription drug abuse at our drug rehab centers in Ontario. Our inpatient treatment centre provides a personalized addiction treatment plan that will be based on your personal needs.

In all our inpatient rehab centre, our core focus is providing therapy in a safe and healthy environment for those suffering from prescription drug addiction and concurrent mental health disorders.

Outpatient Drug Rehab in Toronto, Ontario

Our comprehensive outpatient programs in Toronto offer 4 or 6 weeks of intensive treatment and recovery from prescription drug abuse.

Clients can also select specific elements of the program and book as many sessions as they choose

Skills and Process Groups are offered at set times during the week. Individual therapy can be arranged to suit the client’s needs and can also be exchanged for couples or therapy for family members.

Virtual Drug Rehab at Home

If the Intensive Outpatient Program does not fit into your schedule, or if you need to focus on a specific area of concern, we will tailor our prescription drug treatment program for you based on your schedule, needs, and budget.

You can also enrol in our Virtual Programs and still receive a comprehensive and structured treatment. The best part of our secure, end-to-end encrypted platform is that it allows you to start your recovery journey in the comfort of your home.

trafalgar addiction treatment centres

Prescription Drugs Aftercare & Recovery

After treatment at our residential or outpatient centres, you or your loved one are enrolled in our Aftercare Program. It consists of many elements to make sure that there is no chance of relapse after prescription drug treatment.

Our unique aftercare program was developed to help you reintegrate into society and help eliminate any possible triggers that could cause relapse upon graduation.

With a Trafalgar exclusive ContinUCare, we are always proactive rather than reactive. We reach out to you if we see that you might not be doing well.

So, we try to eliminate any possibility of relapse before it is about to happen.

trafalgar addiction treatment centres

Continuation of Care is another essential element of Trafalgar’s aftercare services. It allows us to continue supporting you after you have completed residential or intensive outpatient care for prescription drug abuse.

During treatment, you meet your Continuation of Care Counsellor. After being discharged from our care, you receive a counselling call from the Continuation of Care Counsellor.

These calls continue biweekly, for the following four months. After the 4 month period, it will be followed by monthly calls for the following 20 months. You can also call anytime during business hours should you require any support.

Meet Our Renowned Experts

You will receive Prescription Drugs Addiction Treatment from the very best.
We have a team of accredited professionals who have many years of clinical and research experience.

See Our Team

Prescription Drugs Abuse & Addiction Treatment

Virtual, Outpatient and Residential Options

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

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