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A person is happy to receive addiction treatment at Home.

Going to a Residential Rehab is NOT the only way to recover

No more taking time off work or missing out on important family commitments – Beat addiction from the comfort of your home.


Receiving Addiction Treatment Shouldn’t Require You to Quit Your Job

Getting help should make your life easier, not more complicated.

Our 4-week program works with your schedule, not the other way around.

👉 You gain all the benefits of treatment, but without sacrificing your day-to-day life.
👉 Take care of yourself in your own time, in the place where you feel most comfortable – at home.

Reasons Online Treatment is So Effective

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    Forget about spending time away from family or missing work to take care of yourself. Online treatment allows you to stay home – where you’re most comfortable – or take your sessions anywhere with an internet connection that suits you.

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    Online treatment is more affordable than traditional rehab, and doesn’t require you to pay travel costs or parking fees to attend your sessions. All that’s required of you is finding your favorite comfortable spot – which costs nothing!

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    Self-Paced Flexibility

    Our 4-week or 6-week program options work around your schedule, not the other way around. Pick a time of day that works best for you while knowing what to expect and avoiding unwanted surprises.

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    No need to worry about your sensitive information being exposed, our platform is as secure as they come. All sessions are end-to-end encrypted and PIPEDA compliant, allowing you the peace of mind you deserve.


ℹ A helpline to explore your options.
No cost & no obligation to enter treatment.

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People Love Online Rehab

A. L.

I didn’t have to be away from home and kids. I didn’t have to be around people I didn’t know to get an intensive treatment.

G. D.

From the comfort of your home? Yes! My dog was literally next to me during my individual sessions.

M. A.

The sessions were pretty good, but the individual counselling, and the follow up were better than I could have imagined.

M. A.

The aftercare sessions and questionaires keep me focused and gave me a level of support I did not anticipate.

We Have Hundreds of Graduates Who Think Virtual Treatment Works.


A Comprehensive, Intensive Program

Yes, you can receive a structured addiction treatment program from the comfort of your home.

Invidividual Therapy feature

Individual Therapy
Addressing your issues with your Master’s level therapist to discover what fuels your addiction and how to best move forward.

Virtual Live Group feature

Virtual Groups
Depending on your choices, participate in either group sessions or skills courses.

Mentor Support feature

Mentor Support
Choose from unlimited text support (Mon-Fri 8AM – 8PM) or check-in calls 3 times weekly.

A woman is doing various exercise for her Online Rehab program.

Various Therapy Exercises
Personalized therapy exercises and complementary handouts to help you understand and manage your recovery.

Family Therapy feature

Family Therapy
Involving all members of the household to maximize the effectiveness of your recovery.

Partner Support Therapy feature

Partner Support Therapy
Giving your partner the emotional support they need as well as helping them to support you through your recovery.

Continued Care After Treatment

Your treatment doesn’t end the day you complete your program. We’re here for you for as long as you need us.

A person receives his individualized discharge plan after completing online rehab.

Discharge Plan
Helping you plan the best way forward after treatment for a sustainable recovery.

A woman receives a Continuation of Care call because of her online program.

Continuation of Care Calls
Bi-weekly support calls with your Addiction Counsellor for 4 months, then monthly for 20 months.

Aftercare feature

Virtual Aftercare
Interact virtually with fellow graduates, practice skills, and identify relapse triggers.

All of these benefits are available to you from the comfort of your home, on a secure platform.
Having your loved ones around you while you take care of your needs creates a feeling of support that you won’t find in traditional treatment settings.


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The Real Cost of Addiction

It is always important to understand the cost of NOT getting help.

The true cost of addiction treatment is the price you pay by continuing to hurt yourself, your family and the loved ones.

We offer a new alternative to residential treatment.
And yes, it works.


Online Addiction Rehab

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you or your loved one.

    CALL NOW(1-855-972-9760)

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    Learn more about Online Rehab Programs.