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What to Expect in Drug Rehab Treatment

By November 13, 2018 June 15th, 2023 No Comments
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Many people who are considering rehab centres for themselves or a loved one are unsure what to expect from a treatment program.

This can make the process more intimidating and may add to any reluctance about beginning treatment. This blog will describe the way in which a good rehab centre operates and what clients should expect.

Of course, enrolling yourself or a loved one in treatment, it is essential to carry out comprehensive research before choosing an addiction treatment centre. Internet research and any contacts you may have with experience of any addiction treatment organizations are great resources for this.

Inform Yourself

It is also important to contact the centres you are considering and asking them any questions you may have about their addiction treatment center. A good treatment organization will be fully transparent and informative and will be able to answer any of your questions and reassure you about the services they offer. Addiction treatment should always be client-centred and evidence-based. This means only using experienced, qualified and conscientious staff and methods that have proven effective in treating addiction. It also involves collaboration with each individual client to identify the best treatment strategies for them.

Preparations Before Entering Rehab

Once you have carried out your research and decided on a treatment centre, they should provide you with comprehensive information on what to expect and what to bring with you. If you have any concerns or questions, a good treatment centre will be forthcoming and helpful in addressing them. If you use any medications, you can discuss this in advance with the treatment centre staff. They will be able to clarify their protocols on this subject.

Treatment centres will also require clients to be sober upon entering rehab. Clients experiencing withdrawal may also require drug withdrawal management before entering into treatment. Certain treatment centres such as Trafalgar will offer withdrawal management as part of their services. It is worth checking this in advance in case it may be required.

The Right Mindset

It is also important to enter treatment in the right mindset. It is absolutely natural to feel apprehensive at the prospect of treatment; most people feel this way at first. Accepting this and working towards becoming comfortable in your program is simply part of the process. The important thing is to be psychologically prepared and committed to making a real change.

Some people only enter treatment to appease their loved ones, or without any real confidence that they can achieve recovery. However, a commitment to do your best to achieve real change puts you at an advantage as you begin the treatment process. Entering treatment is an important step that shows you are moving in the right direction. Discussing any doubts or concerns you have with clinical staff at the treatment centre early in the process can be a healthy and productive thing to do. Whatever doubts you may have, you may find that treatment addresses them, and that confidence and commitment increases as treatment progresses.

Initial Feelings

People usually enter addiction treatment in a vulnerable state of mind. Many people dealing with addiction are also coping with concurrent disorders, such as anxiety, which can make entering treatment particularly daunting. This means that one focus of treatment in the first few days is acclimating to the environment and becoming comfortable. Part of the job of the staff at a treatment centre is to help with this process, making clients feel at home and offering any assistance they can. Staff will be experienced in offering this kind of compassionate, dedicated support.

People struggling with addiction often struggle with feelings of being judged and may worry about this before beginning a treatment program. While this is understandable, it is essential to remember that all staff at a treatment centre will have a thorough understanding of the nature of addiction and the work of recovery. They will be experienced in creating a compassionate and supportive environment conducive to recovery.

Other clients will have similar understandings, and often form a part of a client’s support network while in treatment. It can be of benefit for clients to discuss concerns of this nature with treatment centre staff before entering treatment. This can provide reassurance and ease any reluctance to begin treatment. Treatment centres should also provide holistic treatment for concurrent disorders, meaning that any mental health issues a client is dealing with will be addressed as part of their treatment.

Feedback From a Client

Trafalgar recently received some feedback from a client who described the intense sense of anxiety he felt entering treatment. However, he said, by the time he left he found it difficult to say goodbye. He said this was due to the powerful support of the staff, who he says pushed him “to become a better person” while helping him towards recovery. This was great to hear, as this is precisely the kind of environment that we work to achieve. Treating clients with respect and compassion provides them with the best possible foundation for recovery. We collaborate with our clients to make them feel at home in our care. We work with them to identify the treatment methods that will be most effective for them.

First Days of Treatment

Over the first few days of a treatment program, clients will acclimate to the setting and routine. Treatment programs should be very structured so that clients have a clear sense of how each day will be spent and get the most from the time they invest. They should also balance individual treatment, group treatment and periods where clients can relax, socialize or engage in other activities conducive to recovery. Some clients like to have a detailed schedule provided in advance of each day. A good treatment centre should be able to provide this and answer any questions about it that clients may have.

Evidence-based methods such as individual addiction counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy should comprise much of a standard day in addiction treatment. Trafalgar provides clients with three sessions of individual therapy each week, alongside group counselling sessions and skills groups focused on specific aspects of recovery. However, it is also important that clients have time to unwind and to reflect on their progress each day. The combination of individual and group work provides helpful variety and prevents treatment from becoming too intensive.

Mutual Support

Group work also allows clients to support one another in an understanding and compassionate environment. Clients who have been in treatment longer can also help new clients to settle in. Scenic, peaceful settings, such as those of Trafalgar’s inpatient addiction treatment centers also help clients to feel comfortable and calm. Most clients will enter treatment after a difficult and complicated time. Calm, comfortable settings can help to unwind over the first few days and adjust to a stable routine.

Programs should also offer clients some choice in how to spend their time outside of structured treatment. This helps to provide variety and balance in treatment and allows clients to relax and unwind outside of structured treatment. At Trafalgar’s residential treatment centres, we offer activities including yoga, mindfulness exercises, physical fitness groups and art therapy. Clients can also take part in group activities in the evening or play games including pool and table tennis. Clients can also take this time to relax by themselves.


The practical aspects of treatment are also important to consider. In the feedback we received recently, the client spoke of the warmth and compassion of the staff at our centre. This is a key aspect of creating an environment conducive to recovery. Staff are also available at any time should clients require assistance, information, or someone to speak to about any issues.

As mentioned earlier, the scenic grounds are also ideal for calm, peaceful reflection. Our client also complimented the quality of the food, which is easy to overlook but naturally has significant influence on a client’s experience. Our staff prepare excellent food for all of our clients’ meals. They work to accommodate any dietary requirements or preferences clients may have.

Discharge Planning and Aftercare

While entering addiction treatment can be daunting, leaving at the other end can also be challenging. However, the skills and methods of recovery clients develop during treatment provide them with a strong foundation for recovery and powerful motivation to continue working towards it. Good treatment centres will also provide clients with thorough, detailed discharge plans to ensure that they leave treatment with confidence and a clear strategy for their next steps. Trafalgar offers this as a key aspect of our treatment programs.

We also provide ongoing, comprehensive aftercare support through our Aftercare, ContinUcare and Continuation of Care counselling programs. These services allow us to continue supporting our clients long after they complete a treatment program. Clients can also continue their treatment through our addiction counselling programs. The knowledge that these services are available can be of great benefit to clients with concerns about leaving treatment and continuing their recovery.


Addiction treatment does not have to be an intimidating process. While it requires commitment and hard work from the client, it can also be a powerfully rejuvenating experience. Dedicated staff, evidence-based methods, good facilities and structured, effective scheduling ensure that time spent in treatment can be a deeply positive experience. The benefits of completing a treatment program can be truly life-changing. If you are considering addiction treatment for yourself or a loved one, it is natural to have questions and concerns. Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres’ dedicated staff is always prepared to address them and provide any information and assurance that might be of help. Contact us today for more information.

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

Trafalgar Addiction Treatment Centres

We offer residential and outpatient rehab treatment programs for addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.

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