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Meet Our Team Members

Jess Gionet

Addictions Counsellor, Inpatient Addiction Treatment Program

Our Team >> Jess Gionet

A photo of Jess Gionet.


Jess Gionet has a B.A. with a major in Psychology. He began working as a day and overnight counselor.

At present Jess works strictly as an overnight counselor. His major responsibility is to maintain a safe and secure environment for the clients.

To this end Jess performs hourly checks of the facility. He also keeps a log of any activity that may occur overnight.

He is also always available should a client wake up from a nightmare and wish to talk about it. Furthermore, Jess performs light duties in preparation for the morning staff.

Different Treatment Options

We help you recover through 3 different options:


Substance, Process and Concurrent Disorder Programs

Virtual, Outpatient or Residential (30, 45, 60 or 90 days)

Consult with a professional now to learn how we can help you.

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