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Weed Addiction

Is Weed Unhealthy?

Marijuana has undergone a massive branding change within the last few years. Once seen as the quintessential gateway drug, weed is now a legal substance that’s branded as a contributing component to a healthy lifestyle. Many cannabis companies have positioned themselves as lifestyle brands in the wake of legalization. Consumers…
DetoxWeed Addiction

Weed Withdrawal Symptoms

A person who has become addicted to marijuana may experience a range of withdrawal symptoms upon quitting. While these symptoms do not usually present a direct danger to the individual’s health, they can be severely unpleasant and disruptive. They may last anywhere from two weeks to several months. In some…
AddictionAddiction TreatmentConcurrent Disorders

Concurrent Disorders- Depression & Addiction

Addiction is usually linked to underlying mental health disorders. This is why addiction treatment should follow a concurrent disorders treatment protocol. This means taking a holistic approach to treatment, addressing the mental health issues underlying addiction rather than treating it in isolation. Mental Health and Addiction Mental health disorders are highly…
AddictionAddiction TreatmentConcurrent DisordersPTSD

Concurrent Disorders: Mental Health In the Canadian Workforce

The conversation around mental health in Canada has progressed significantly in recent years. Serious issues are now much more visible and better understood. The stigma around mental health disorders has reduced significantly and necessary supports are increasingly available. However, there is still a lot of progress to be made before the…